Our monitoring system works amazingly well at finding new
instances of your name online, allowing you immediate response
in real-time to thwart
anything negative or slanderous. This is the same system that many companies
utilize to monitor their employees. The system i s
FANTASTIC at monitoring employee behavior. You WILL know
what's going on with HitDetective by CleanSearch! We will inform you of
any instances of your target names when they appear online and
in what context.
online name activity alert system goes beyond
conventional monitoring platforms which are detrimental
to your name-search as they simply implement an
automated and frequent search of your name
'auto-searching' (which is not recommended). We
have developed a proprietary system that will allow you
to know what activates your employees are associated
with, at work and outside of work, without influencing
the results themselves. CleanSearch

1. HitDetective reveals what
type of activity your employees are associated with.
2. HitDetective©
tells you HOW your target names are being searched, when it is
being searched, and who is searching.
Corporations, attorneys,
politicians, Government officials, celebrities and more
have been using HitDetective to gain unique strategic
information. Now HitDetective is available to you.
HitDetective by CleanSearch©

© 2006 CleanSearch, LLC