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Gaining Google Rank VIA Press Releases

Gaining Google Rank VIA Press Releases

How Press Releases are Used to Enhance Website SEO and Generate Organic Search Presence.

By Kelly EllisĀ  Customer Support CleanSearch Digital Services

Google loves press releases because they are an easy way to get fresh, relevant content. By using press releases to enhance your website’s SEO, you can get more traffic and higher rankings in search results.

A press release is a short, newsworthy article that is distributed to media outlets. It is typically used to announce something new, such as a product launch or a special event. Press releases can also be used to promote existing content, such as a blog post or an infographic.

When a press release is picked up by a media outlet, it is typically published on their website. This can result in a surge of traffic to your website, as well as an improvement in your search engine rankings.

To make sure your press release is effective, be sure to include a keyword or phrase that you want to rank for. For example, if you are a wedding photographer, you might include the keyword “wedding photography” in your press release. In addition to including keywords, be sure to write an interesting headline and use persuasive language. Your goal is to get people to read your press release and then visit your website.

If you are not sure how to write a press release, there are many templates and examples available online. Once you have written your press release, you can submit it to online press release directories. This will give your press release more exposure and increase the chances that it will be picked up by a media outlet.



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